Camping toilet without chemicals: These alternatives exist to the conventional chemical toilet

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For campers and outdoor enthusiasts, camping toilets are more than just a necessary travel companion for moments when the need calls. Having your own little toilet offers more independence on travelling and selecting your place to stay.
Whether you're traveling alone or in a group, for a few days or several weeks, a portable camping toilet makes life in the great outdoors much easier, provides a hygienic sanitary solution, and gives you the freedom to go whenever you need to.
Until a few years ago, classic chemical toilets dominated the sanitary picture in the outdoor and camping industry. Many travelers have a love-hate relationship with the silent toilet, which uses chemical additives to get to grips with what they leave behind.
On the one hand, the portable toilet solution offers the ability to go whenever you need to. On the other hand, the odors during use and emptying, as well as the inconvenient cleaning, are a horror to many. On top of that, disposal is only possible at special black water stations.
When the first dry composting toilet saw the light of day in the camping world, the tide turned. The chemical-free camping toilet not only proved to be an environmentally friendly alternative, but also opened up new possibilities for travelers.
After an initial establishment phase, it is now impossible to imagine the camping world without the dry composting toilet. In the meantime, there are other models that also dispense with the use of chemicals and rely on alternative modes of operation instead of separation. We present you the different variants of chemical-free camping toilets. From litter to crank, from incineration to welding.
Which camping toilet without chemicals suits me?

When buying a camping toilet without chemicals, you are spoiled for choice. There are different types of mobile camping toilets, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. From simple bucket toilets to state-of-the-art combustion toilets, they offer different functionalities and comfort levels.
Factors such as size, volume, emptying options, power supply or even comfort play a role in your purchase decision. It is important that the toilet meets your individual needs and provides you with a pleasant and hygienic user experience.
Dry toilets
Dry toilets are sustainable silent toilets that work without the use of water. Probably the best known variant is the classic outhouse. The operation of the camping toilet without chemicals is very simple: large and small business is collected a container, which is located under the toilet seat.
The toilet paper is disposed of in the container. After the session, the leftovers are covered with litter. Disposal with the help of the use of a bag in the residual waste. If the dry toilet is used as a composting toilet with a long emptying interval, the composted leftovers are either disposed of in a collection point or used as compost.
The simplest version of the is the bucket toilet. Designs range from the do-it-yourself brand - in the simplest case, in the form of a bucket with a floating noodle attachment as a seat - to the foldable commercial variety. Dry toilets can be used in caravans, vans, when camping, on boats or even in the garden or mountain hut.
Advantages of dry toilets
Conserving resourcesEnvironmentally friendly
Flexible use
A dry toilet can be placed almost anywhere. Compact variants are particularly suitable for mobile use, permanently installed models are predestined to be used as garden toilets.
Disadvantages of dry toilets
Odor formationSince in dry toilets once "a chute All" collected. Due to the mixing of solid and liquid odors are formed, which can be bound by the litter only partially. The reason for this is that the large business develops its typical unpleasant odor due to moisture.
Lack of comfort
The formation of odors as well as the often inadequate seating comfort make the use of a dry toilet more of a lump for a quick round than for an enjoyable session.
Unpleasant cleaning
If the leftovers are not fully composted, you need a high fecal odor tolerance and preferably also a good stomach for emptying and subsequent cleaning of the container due to the odor.
The most common uses of dry toilets:
- Tent
- Van
- Summer house
- Mountain hut
Dry composting toilets
The dry composting toilet is the further development of the dry toilet. In this form of camping toilet without chemicals, urine and solids are collected separately from each other in different containers. The separation minimizes the formation of odors.
Fresh, healthy urine has no odor of its own, and solids have a low odor if they are kept as dry as possible. For this reason, the large business in a composting toilet is covered with litter after the session. You can find out which litter is particularly suitable here.
The emptying of the containers takes place independently of each other. You can dispose of the urine in any toilet connected to the sewage system or use it diluted as a high-quality fertilizer. The solids can simply be disposed of in a garbage bag in the residual waste.
To ensure sustainability in this area, we recommend the use of compostable garbage bags. You can find detailed information on how a dry composting toilet works and how to use it in our guide.
Dry composting toilets are available in many different designs: from small to large, from functional to comfortable, from plastic to wood. You want to know which criteria are particularly important when choosing the right dry composting toilet model or which types of composting toilets are available?
We have compiled helpful information for you in our article on buying composting toilets. By the way: Do-it-yourself is of course also an alternative. 😉
Advantages of dry composting toilets
Conserving resourcesEnvironmentally friendly
Flexible use
Easy to handle
Disadvantages of dry composting toilets
Depending on the size and design, the purchase of a dry composting toilet is more expensive than, for example, a simple dry toilet.
The most common uses of dry toilets:
- Tent
- Van
- Motor home
- Sailboat/ small yacht
- Summer house
- Mountain hut
- tiny House
- Vacation home without connection to the sewerage system
Dry toilets with agitator/ compost toilets
Another form of camping toilet without chemicals is the dry toilet with agitator. It also does not require the use of water. The operation of this toilet is based on a simple system in which the turning of a crank mixes urine and solids, promoting the composting process. For this reason, dry toilets with agitator are also called composting toilets. To prevent toilet paper from getting caught in the agitator, it must be collected separately.
Advantages of dry toilets with agitator
Conserves resources
By not using water, you save valuable resources on the go and everywhere with a dry toilet with agitator.
Environmentally friendly
Since the dry toilet with crank does not require any chemicals for decomposition, it is one of the environmentally friendly silent toilets in the camping world.
Long emptying cycles
Dry toilets with crank are designed for composting. For this reason, the emptying intervals are significantly longer than, for example, with dry composting toilets. The longer the waste remains in the container, the more it composts.
Low odor development
The crank mechanism ensures that the trades are dried evenly, resulting in low odor.
Disadvantages of dry toilets with agitator
SizeThe manual agitator in this type of dry toilets is operated by a crank located on the outside of the toilet. This crank takes up space. This makes it difficult or impossible to use in tight spaces.
Difficult emptying and cleaning
To empty the tank and clean the toilet from the inside, the dry toilet with agitator must be disassembled.
Power supply
If you decide to use an electric agitator, you save space because there is no crank on the toilet, but you need a power supply.
Since the toilet paper must not be disposed of in the container, the dry toilet with agitator is not as convenient to use as other variants of the camping toilet without chemicals.
If the dry toilet with agitator is not used for a long time and the container is full, there is a risk of mold growth. The leftovers are not stirred, so the drying process is interrupted.
The most common applications of dry toilets with agitator:
- Van
- Motor home
- Summer house
- Mountain hut
- Tiny House
Combustion toilets
The combustion toilet also belongs to the species "camping toilet without chemicals". It also does not require water for its function. Before use, a special bag is placed in the toilet. In this, during the session, the business is collected. To turn the leftovers into ash, you simply press a button. This creates temperatures of up to 600°C.
You don't need to start the incineration process after each visit to the toilet. Depending on the amount of filling, the combustion process can take several hours. While the incinerator toilet is doing its work, further sessions are possible.
After approximately 70 passes, the container with the ash must be emptied. Disposal takes place in the residual waste. It is important to make sure that the lid of the incinerator toilet is closed when not in use.
Advantages of incinerator toilets
Conserving resourcesSince an incinerator toilet does not use water, it is one of the resource-saving variants of camping toilets.
Environmentally friendly
The incinerator toilet does not use chemical additives, making it an environmentally friendly sanitation solution in places where it is not possible to install a conventional toilet.
Easy disposal
The ash residue is simply disposed of with the residual waste. With components such as potassium or phosphorus, the ash is also suitable as a high-quality fertilizer.
Small footprint
Incinerator toilets are compact and require hardly any more space than a chemical toilet.
Due to the combustion of the leftovers, the incinerator toilet is a very hygienic variant of the camping toilet without chemicals.
Disadvantages of incinerator toilets
Electricity connection requiredAlthough the incinerator toilet does not require a water connection, but there must be a power connection for the operation of the ventilation system and the combustion mechanism.
During the combustion process, the toilet is quite noisy. Take into account that this can last for several hours.
In the case of the incinerator toilet, odors are usually filtered and discharged through the roof, but it is not completely odorless.
Combustion toilets are among the heavyweights among mobile toilets. The models can weigh up to 20 kg. If every gram counts in your vehicle, you need to save elsewhere or use an alternative.
The combustion toilet is one of the most expensive toilets in the camping sector. Including the installation, you will find yourself in the mid four-digit range when buying.
Area of application:
- Caravans/ motorhomes
- Tiny House
- Vacation home without connection to the sewage system
- Mountain huts
- Hunting cabins
Weld-in toilets
Weld-in toilets are another form of camping toilets without chemicals. They function similarly to a conventional toilet - only without the need for water. Urine and solids are collected in different foil containers.
After going to the toilet, you press the button for solid or for liquid - depending on which business you want to seal. The toilet then seals your waste in separate bags and automatically "adds" new fresh bags.
The sealed bags are collected in a collection cassette. When this is full, the shrink-wrapped toilet indicates that it is time for emptying. The bags are disposed of in the residual waste.
Advantages of weld-in toilets
Conserves resourcesBy not using water, you save a valuable and limited resource when using a shrink-wrap toilet on the road: fresh water.
Easy and hygienic to use
The completely automated system means you don't have to worry about what you leave behind. Since the bags with the waste are firmly welded, the disposal is absolutely hygienic.
Due to the tight welding of the bags, no odors from the toilet can escape.
Disposal of all "leftovers
In the bags can be welded not only urine, solids and toilet paper, but also hygiene products, baby diapers or food scraps.
Disadvantages of weld-in toilets
Lack of sustainabilitySealing stores in plastic bags creates more plastic waste.
Power supply
In order to seal the leftovers, incinerator toilets require a power supply. Self-sufficiency is thus limited.
At around 14 kg, weld-in toilets are not among the lightweight toilets. If every gram counts in the vehicle, it is important to save the weight elsewhere or look around for an alternative.
Shrink-wrapped toilets belong to the high-priced mobile silent toilets. The purchase costs are in the four-digit range. The special foils in which the waste is sealed also have their price. Since this is an ongoing item, you should consider this cost factor when purchasing the toilet.
Area of application:
- Caravans/ motorhomes
- Tiny House
- Vacation home without connection to the sewage system
- Mountain huts
- Hunting cabins
Conclusion about the camping toilet without chemicals

Yes, they exist! The alternatives to the well-known chemical toilet! Whether it's a dry toilet, a composting toilet, a compost toilet, an incinerator toilet or a weld-in toilet: each chemical-free camping toilet has its own mode of operation and the associated advantages and disadvantages.
Which alternative is best for you depends on your individual needs, the location and your budget. One thing is for sure, nowadays you don't need chemicals or water to make any place your favorite.
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