Composting toilet in the car

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Especially when travelling as a family with children, saying "I have to pee!" can become a challenge. Closed or dirty toilets in car parks often force you to look for a bush, behind which the dirty paper of the previous passengers is already piled up. It is more relaxing to travel with your own toilet on board. A composting toilet is a great solution that gives families on the road independence and flexibility. The sustainable, compact toilet is a sustainable alternative to chemical toilets, as it requires no water and does not contain any environmentally harmful additives. This means that the mobile toilet can be easily transported and used in the car without being dependent on disposal stations.
A composting toilet offers numerous advantages. On the one hand, it is very space-saving and can therefore easily be stowed in the boot or behind the driver's seat. Secondly, it is very easy to use and requires no special knowledge or skills. Furthermore, the dry composting toilet is very hygienic and odourless.
Function of the dry composting toilet
A composting toilet consists of a body closed with a lid, a toilet seat, a separating insert and two containers for the large and small businesses. The separating insert ensures that urine and solids are collected separately. While the urine runs into a canister, the solids end up in a container that is lined with a waste bag. After the big deal, the solid droppings are covered with litter to allow them to dry. The separation of solids and liquids and the drying process ensure that the formation of odours is avoided.
Which litter should I use?
Materials that absorb moisture well and are light are very suitable as litter for dry composting toilets. These include small animal litter, sawdust, fine bark mulch, agents with activated carbon, coconut fibres, Terra Preta or even dried coffee grounds. We advise against the use of conventional cat litter. This tends to produce odours and forms large lumps that can cause the bag to tear when the solids are disposed of.
Which bin liners are suitable?
Emptying the composting toilet
For emptying, both containers can be easily and independently removed from the toilet. The urine is disposed of in a toilet connected to the sewage system or can be used diluted as fertiliser, while the solids are a case for the residual waste bin. This is where the bin liner comes into play: well knotted, it can be disposed of in the household waste - similar to dog excrement bags. For this reason, toilet paper may also be thrown into the bin after doing business. To prevent bacteria from forming, we recommend emptying the urine canister every two to three days.
Cleaning the dry composting toilet
Cleaning a composting toilet is as easy as using it. Home remedies such as diluted vinegar or citric acid or agents with effective microorganisms have proved particularly effective. A small spray bottle into which the diluted solution is filled is suitable for cleaning the separation insert. A few sprays are enough to give the insert a new freshness. Then wipe the divider with toilet paper or a soft cloth. The urine canister and the solids container can also be cleaned very well with diluted vinegar or citric acid. To keep the inside of the urine canister clean, simply pour a small amount of liquid into the container, screw on the lid and shake the canister. It is ready for the next use. Important: Never rinse the urine canister with pure water. The combination of urine droplets and water promotes the formation of urine scale and the associated formation of unpleasant odours.
What are the advantages of the dry composting toilet when travelling with children?
Composting toilets can be used very easily by children. With small children, it is advisable for an adult to take care that the youngster does not slip off the toilet when going to the toilet. If the separation doesn't work 100 per cent for the kids, that's not a bad thing at all. If more urine ends up in the solids container, simply add more litter. In the following, we have collected some advantages for using a dry composting toilet with children for you.
The dry composting toilet is very intuitive to use. This makes it very easy for children to use. Unlike conventional toilets, which are often too high or too big for children, dry composting toilets are usually designed to be comfortable and easy for children to use. If the bum is too small, you also have the option of putting a special attachment for children on the composting toilet.
The composting toilet is very hygienic and odourless. This means you don't have to worry about your children being exposed to bacteria or bad odours.
The dry composting toilet is very environmentally friendly. As it does not require water, there is no need to worry about disposing of waste water. This means that families with children can travel in the car in complete relaxation without having to worry about the next disposal station.
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