Disposal for dry composting toilets: How to compost human feces

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Dry composting toilets have long since established themselves as an environmentally friendly sanitary solution. The mobile silent toilets make it possible to go whenever you need to in a completely natural way. Without water, without chemicals. By the way, you can find out how exactly the dry composting toilet works here.
Even in the garden, a dry composting toilet will help you avoid the use of chemicals. How? By composting human feces, you gain natural humus that you can use instead of synthetic fertilizers. What seems unorthodox at first reading is, on closer inspection, an exciting way to recover valuable resources. It is important that you pay attention to a few things when composting in order to counteract germination of the humus. In this article, we will tell you how composting feces works.
Compost feces
The composting of human feces is also called "humane composting". The aim of this innovative approach is to reduce environmental impact. By converting human feces into nutrient-rich compost, valuable resources can be recovered while minimizing the negative impact of conventional waste disposal systems. Thus, composting feces actively contributes to reducing waste and closing nutrient cycles.
Composting feces: What are the advantages?
The benefits of composting human feces from dry composting toilets are impressive. Fecal compost is a natural source of vital nutrients that are essential for plant growth. This not only reduces our need for conventional fertilizers, but also makes an important contribution to organic farming.- Environmental protection: By composting human feces, we reduce waste and conserve natural resources. Instead of having to treat wastewater or dispose of it in landfills, the waste is converted into nutrient-rich compost. This can be used to improve the soil.
- Recovery of nutrients: Fecal matter contains valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Composting makes it possible to recover these nutrients and use them as natural plant fertilizer.
- Water conservation: Composting feces can help reduce water use for flushing toilets. Instead of flushing the big business with the cool wet from the ceramic, it is disposed of in the compost.
Is composting feces allowed in the allotment garden?
Yes. According to the federal allotment garden law, it is permitted to compost feces in the allotment garden - as long as there is no danger to the environment. It is important that the poop stays where it is and is not flushed out of the container by rainwater. Likewise, there should be no odors that disturb the neighborly peace at the garden fence. If your arbor or garden is also located in a water protection area, composting of feces is prohibited.
How can I compost human feces?
There are various systems that can be used to compost human feces. These range from aerobic systems, which use oxygen, to anaerobic systems, which do not use oxygen.
Process of composting
The process of composting human feces is complex and requires the right conditions. The targeted combination of moisture, aeration and microorganisms promotes biodegradation, resulting in high-quality and safe fecal compost.
- Preparation and Collection: Proper collection and preparation of feces is critical to the success of composting. In your dry composting toilet, solids and urine are already collected separately, which facilitates and speeds up composting. The use of litter helps to ensure good aeration already during the collection of poops. You can find out which materials are particularly suitable for covering in our article about litter for dry composting toilets. To speed up the composting process, you can also mix soil mixed with ash with the litter. If you choose to compost your big deals, use eco-friendly, unbleached toilet paper without motif prints and fragrances, or collect it in a separate container. Otherwise, dyes, perfume or even chlorine particles will end up in your compost.
- The composting process: The composting process begins with the collection of the container contents in a pile. When emptying, make sure that the feces are as dry as possible and well mixed. After one year, turn the pile to allow microorganisms and soil organisms to decompose the waste. Steep piling promotes aeration and the rotting process. This allows the microorganisms to work their way through the layered tower at their leisure.
- Rotation method for optimal results: In order not to disturb the process, you start emptying fresh solids in a new place. This method allows you to create a new pile every year and let the rotting process take place in peace. After several years, the compost is hygienically safe and ready for use.
- From compost to humus: After a period of about two to three years, during which a short rotting period takes place, a compost heap turns into a hygienically harmless mass. This mass is still slightly acidic and contains organic materials.
This phase is called "raw humus mass". Nevertheless, it is not yet in optimal form to be incorporated directly into the soil. One reason for this is the high nitrogen content, which can cause the soil fertility zone to flatten.
As a result, soil organisms and roots mainly reside in the upper part of the soil, which can deteriorate the soil structure in the long term.
The use of long-matured compost allows the soil to extend its fertility into deeper layers. Among other things, this practice helps to improve the erosion resistance of the soil.
In most Central European conditions, experienced gardeners recommend a rotting period of three to four years for optimal results. This undoubtedly requires patience, but the long-term benefits are worth it.
Over time, the mass of individual compost piles decreases due to the decomposition process. At the end of this development process, a small amount of mineral humus substance remains.
This precious substance can then be used in small quantities to improve the soil in the long term. However, it is important to note that older piles often do not have as much mass. In such cases, it is recommended to use a mixture of materials of different rotting times to achieve the best results.
Composting human feces in the composter
If you do not have space in your garden to create several compost piles, the use of a thermal composter for composting manure is a good option.
Also, with this variant, we recommend you to use several Thermo-Composters. The quality of the resulting humus depends largely on each compost having enough time to go through the various stages of the decomposition process.
Therefore, even in a thermal composter, regular rearrangement is advisable. To efficiently boost the composting process, it is recommended to add humus or compost starter. This introduces a variety of microorganisms and soil organisms that speed up the decomposition process. Be sure to provide a heat-resistant environment when using thermal composters.
Composting feces: How do I deal with potential pathogens and parasites?
Human feces often contain parasites. To kill them, the variant of long-term composting is particularly suitable. Pathogenic organisms and undesirable bacteria can also be eliminated in this way. The undesirable inhabitants of the feces are broken down either in the early stages, especially during hot rotting, or in the course of the long composting period. They can survive only a limited time in an unfavorable environment.
Therefore, it is advisable to follow the recommended three- to four-year rotting phases. In this way, the resulting humus will be of optimal quality and the potential health risks will be minimized.
Particular care should be taken when ingesting medications. If these are excreted with the big business, they also end up in the compost pile. In this case, you should refrain from composting your waste.
Use of fecal compost
You can use the produced fecal compost as a natural fertilizer in your garden. This creates a closed nutrient cycle. Use the finished fecal compost wisely, and be careful not to apply it directly to edible plants. Use it rather for ornamental plants or non-edible plants of your garden.
Nous communiquer le prix de toilettes sèche
Trelino® Composting Toilets replied:
Bonjour, Merci pour votre message ! Nous proposons différents modèles de toilettes sèches en plusieurs tailles, avec des prix qui varient selon le modèle. Pour plus d’informations ou un devis personnalisé, vous pouvez contacter notre service client à l’adresse hello@trelino.com. Je serai ravie de vous aider ! Cordialement, Sophie de l’équipe Trelino
Je suis en recherche d’un composteur réglementaire pour récupérer les fèces de mes toilettes sèches à répartitions. Le contrôle des eaux usées des Sables-d’Olonne me donne l’autorisation sur mon terrain à condition que cela ne suinte pas dans le sol. Comment procéder alors ?
Trelino® Composting Toilets replied:
Le compostage des déchets humains nécessite des techniques spécifiques pour garantir la sécurité et l’efficacité. Il est crucial d’utiliser un composteur réglementé placé loin des sources d’eau pour éviter la contamination. Un bac à compost bien ventilé et étanche est essentiel, avec des options comme les bacs rotatifs facilitant le processus. Il est vital de surveiller régulièrement l’humidité du compost et d’apporter des ajustements en utilisant des matériaux tels que de la sciure ou de l’eau si nécessaire. Nous recommandons de rechercher des conseils auprès de professionnels du compostage ou d’organisations pour garantir un processus réussi, car nous nous concentrons sur les toilettes à séparation. – L’équipe Trelino®
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