Equality, integrity and inclusion are more than important to us. That’s why we support social projects, regional and Germany-wide.

Separation toilets are literally predestined for the responsible use of resources. Besides our products, we actively support sustainable initiatives.

We are a company straight from Düsseldorf’s city-centre and want to support other small, local businesses as well as social institutions.#homelove #supportyourlocals
Heart projects
Again and again we find projects that fascinate us, move us and secure a special place in our hearts. We like to share these on our social networks to inspire you and others as well.

Projekt Heldencamper
Projekt Heldencamper engages young adults who are currently fighting cancer or have overcome cancer. With donation-funded excursions, concert tickets or road trips, the Heldencamper provide small infinitely valuable moments of happiness.

Karma Riders e.V.
Doing good by bike: The Karma Riders collect donations for educational projects in northeast India on their bikes. The annual bicycle tours are accompanied by many people and culminate in the Ruhrpott. Since the association was founded in 2008, almost 190,000 km have been cycled and over 270,000 euros in donations have been collected.

German Air Ambulance
German Air Ambulance organizes airlifts to bring relief supplies to the Ukrainian border or facilitates the transport of injured patients to Germany for treatment. In a time marked by uncertainty, when things we take for granted slip between our fingers like quicksand, such projects are signs of humanity - reliable boulders to hold on to.

Sterntaler Düsseldorf e.V.
The association Sterntaler Düsseldorf e.V. stands up for those whose voices are unfortunately all too often ignored: Children and young people. The association supports after-school care, sports initiatives, therapeutic offers or addiction prevention and thus enables the strengthening of resilience and participation in society.
We support
Whether it's with financial support, the odd quiet corner or full of commitment and drive, there are simply organizations and projects that we are only too happy to get involved with.
Together with our Klogang members, we flashed our buttocks to collect donations for Patientenhilfe Darmkrebs e.V.. Patientenhilfe Darmkrebs e.V. is an initiative of the Felix Burda Foundation, the Network Against Colorectal Cancer and the Lebensblicke Foundation, which helps patients in need.
Every year, around 61,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and almost 25,000 people die from it each year. As a team, the intestine, with its charm and all its business, occupies us not only privately in the quiet little room, but also loudly and passionately in the office. For this reason, we have decided to donate all proceeds from our wall calendar "Poo with a view" to the Patient Assistance for Colorectal Cancer this year.
- December 2022 -

Noah's Ark Tenerife is an animal welfare organization that works to improve the living conditions of dogs and cats on Tenerife. The organization's sanctuary and animal shelter have become places of refuge for many four-legged friends. The animals are also vaccinated, castrated, chipped and mediated by the association.
We agree in the team: Next to the toilet, the dog is the best travel buddy in the world and cats would buy separation toilets. 😉 Therefore, we have supported the Noah's Ark Tenerife with a monetary donation and hope that many furry and whiskers will find a loving forever home.
- November 2022 -
With Zeltkinder, the name says it all. On the site of Ivonne Wolter everything revolves around camping with children. Beside answers to the essential questions to tent places. Interior, accessories or tips and tricks, families will also find a very active community and space for exchange here.
As part of a cooperation with Zeltkinder, we decided not only to donate a toilet for the camping family community, but to add two more on top.
- October 2022 -

Dr. Jens Hahn is actively involved in the care of sick and injured refugees from Ukraine. He is part of a team made up of an alliance of various organizations. Together, the helpers arrange patient transports and ensure treatment in German hospitals.
Transporting patients presents the team with logistical challenges from time to time. To ensure that those in need of help can nevertheless be guided safely and well cared for to their places of treatment, we have made our company van available without further ado.
- April 2022 -
On February 20, 2022, Russia starts the war of aggression against Ukraine. What means crisis and turning point for us, becomes a fight for survival for the people of Ukraine.
To help those leaving the bombed-out country, we have supported Mission Lifeline with a monetary donation. The registered association, which is committed to refugee rescue, organizes aid convoys and medical transports in Ukraine.
- March 2022 -

To have a roof over your head, to spend the night in soft warm down and to read the newspaper in the morning on the loo is not a matter of course. In Berlin alone, an estimated 10,000 people live on the streets. To offer them a dry place to spend the night, at least temporarily, the Tiny Foundation has developed mobile emergency hotels. Their small PickUp Houses on wheels can be used as night shelters when needed, saving people from freezing to death, especially in winter. To meet natural needs, we donated some toilets for the tiny houses.
- January 2022 -

During the Advent period, we supported 24 social and ecological projects with a donation to 24-Gute-Taten e.V. targeting after-school care for children from socially disadvantaged areas, support of traumatized children from war-torn regions and afforestation.
- November 2021 -

Until today, the immense destruction of the flood in the Ahr valley is incomprehensible. Entire towns were almost completely wiped out, while streets and basements in the immediate vicinity were completely flooded. In combined strength with many others, we supported Aktion Deutschland Hilft with an immediate and non-bureaucratic donation.
- September 2021 -
Floods, destructive storms and all-time rain records in summer 2021 did not leave a single second of rest for the Technisches Hilfswerk e.V.
Together with Trelino®, we were able to support 4 local charities with a separation toilet. So, the volunteers no longer had to do without a toilet during long assignments.
- August 2021 -

For many people, the flood catastrophe also meant the complete collapse of sanitation and water supplies. This not only affected the residents, but also numerous voluntary helpers who came to give direct aid on site in the Ahr Valley. Together with Trelino®, we donated 30 urine-diverting toilets as fast as possible. Only three days after the disaster, they arrived exactly where they were desperately needed.
- August 2021 -

Round about 33% of the world's population don’t have access to toilets with a safe hygienic standard. The Good Roll donates 50% of their net profit to building toilets in Africa! Our opinion: great choice. That's why we're teaming up with The Good Roll and work together on the project.
- July 2021 -

As a 100% subsidiary company of Viva con Agua, all profits from the toilet paper flow into educational work, promote sanitation projects and support Welthungerhilfe. By offering the product in our shop, we not only make this world a better place with urine-diverting toilets, but also with the matching toilet paper.
- February 2021 -

Children need a strong lobby. Kids can only learn and develop their personality if they are brought up in a light-hearted environment. Together with Sterntaler e.V. in Düsseldorf, we support afternoon care, sports initiatives and many other social institutions for children of all age groups.
- December 2020 -
The whole fabrication process of Trelino® is rooted in Germany. We have therefore chosen the WfaA as a local partner. With full commitment, they are the ones who make this project possible. Our lids, washers and the screw caps for the urine canisters are produced in their workshop for people with disabilities and handicaps.
- November 2020 -