Step by step into the mindful travel adventure

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with Daniela and Patrick from @endless_footsteps 

We had the wonderful pleasure to meet Daniela and Patrick from @endless_footsteps.

The two have been on the road full-time with their van since the summer of 2021 and travel the world on their home on 4 wheels.

With a good dose of courage, open-mindedness and a positive mindset, they experience their own personal adventure.

For them, the topic of mindfulness also includes a responsible approach to nature on their travels.

But how do the two of them deal with the topic of vanlife and the toilet itself, and what experiences have they already had? You can find out here in a short interview.

Tell us briefly about yourselves

We are Daniela (32) & Patrick (33), love to travel, get to know foreign cultures and both have a soft spot for backpacking and vanlife. In 2017 we decided for the first time to leave our comfort zone and the familiar environment and were six months on the road with the backpack. Already after three months of vanlife in New Zealand, it was clear to both of us that we definitely wanted to expand our own van in Germany. Back in Germany we found our beloved DIY camper Finn, a 40 year old VW LT 28 panel van. After a good three years and many adventures with van we realized that we want to turn our whole life around a second time, so in the summer of 2021 we made our camper our home indefinitely. Since then, we have already traveled to 8 countries in Europe and met many great cultures and people.

What camper van do you travel the world with?

We drive a 1980 VW LT 28 van, which was originally a money transporter for the savings bank and was converted into a rolling home by us in 2018 with great attention to detail.

Your worst bathroom experience so far?

One morning Daniela was on the toilet and shortly after stood with her feet in the wet. Our chemical toilet at the time was probably already full before going to the toilet and that made the toilet overflow. Thus, the closet (our place of the toilet) was under urine and we used towels and everything we could find in a hurry to soak up. We then had to carry the stinky stuff around in bags for days until we had the chance to wash again. In the camper, of course, it has also smelled slightly for days and we have laid out to neutralize the smell everywhere coffee beans. Today is of the mishap fortunately nothing more to smell.

Your first contact with the topic of toilets on the road?

On our first trips with the DIY campervan, we were still on the road with spades and have noticed relatively quickly that there is nothing worse than, for example, at night in pouring rain to march off in the dark and find a suitable place for his business. Relatively quickly, we then acquired a toilet for our further trips.

Why did you choose a composting toilet?

When we made our van our home in the summer of 21, we left with chemical toilets on board. At some point we ran out of chemistry, which we could not buy in the Balkans. In addition, we noticed relatively quickly that the disposal is quite complicated and cumbersome, since we are almost exclusively free-standing and many campsites in the winter months were no longer open. In addition, the smell of the chemical toilet was unbearable at some point.

What was your most embarrassing/funny experience with the previous toilet?

We were accompanied for several days by a TV station for filming, while our entire van was wired with cameras. Daniela had to go to the toilet so urgently at some point and after no public toilet was to be found far and wide she simply sat down in the closet (our toilet is located there). To this day, we don't know whether the cameras were running at the time and whether the director had a good laugh after viewing the footage.

How long have you been using the composting toilet?

We have been using our Trelino® S dry composting toilet since the beginning of December 21 and wouldn't want to do without it.

Mann sitzt auf Trelino S

What are the most important tips you would give to a vanlife newbie?

After four years of van life with our VW LT 28 panel van, we have made the experience that a composting toilet is the most sustainable, environmentally friendly and above all, as far as disposal is concerned, the least complicated. We would therefore recommend anyone who does not want to dig to buy a composting toilet directly.

Trelino outdoor

Your favorite saying on the topic toilet or 💩?

Karma means using up the last roll of toilet paper without providing a refill and then being the next person to go to the bathroom.

Now that's what we really call karma.


After all the experiences and the positive attitude, nothing will go wrong with the toilet from now on. Now we just have to keep our fingers crossed that there is always a new roll of toilet paper at hand ;-)

If you too can tell us about some toilet situations or would like to share your favorite toilet slogan with us, please feel free to write to us directly ( We are happy about every message. 

We would be just as happy if you would also like to accompany endless_footsteps on their travels and pay them a visit on their blog about van conversion and travel. :-)

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