What must not go into the composting toilet? These 5 things do not belong in the toilet!

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A composting toilet is a wonderfully sustainable, simple and hygienic toilet solution. Whether mobile in a vehicle or permanently installed in a garden shed, the water- and chemical-free mode of operation means you remain self-sufficient and do your business in an environmentally friendly way. Find out everything you need to know about the function, use and cleaning of the lovely quiet toilet in our big dry composting toilet guide.
Along with the consideration of "What do I need to use a septic tank?" often comes the question, "What can't go in the septic tank?" The good news is, there's not much that can't go in. We've compiled the things that you absolutely should not dispose of in your solids bin, or that we advise against for optimal functionality, in this article for you.
What must not go into the composting toilet?
Anyone who grew up with the chemical toilet in the motor home often frowns at the first sight of a dry composting toilet: a toilet that manages so completely without synthetic decomposition substances? During a chat, it's not uncommon to hear the question, "And what has to go into the composting toilet? Chemicals?" No! That's the great thing! The dry composting toilet works completely without! Without water, without chemicals. Especially the latter is what must never ever and under no circumstances end up in your sustainable quiet little toilet.
Shower water
If you're asking yourself, "What's not allowed in the composting toilet?" the second answer is, "The water from the shower!" A shower turns the solids tank of your composting toilet into a swimming pool. In this way, you sabotage the principle of the composting toilet, which intentionally separates solid and liquid waste. Even if you use a lot of litter, the big business remains wet and inevitably begins to smell.
Moist toilet paper
Moist toilet paper is paper non grata in the dry composting toilet. When it comes to the question "What must not go into the composting toilet", moist toilet paper is at the top of the list. Similar to shower water, the moisture contained in the paper has a counterproductive effect on the drying process. If you don't want to give up wiping with a wet wipe, use wet foam alternatives. These can be applied to toilet paper and dry much faster there.
Monthly hygiene products
Sanitary products such as pads and tampons absorb liquid, but remain moist inside. This residual moisture therefore also remains in the solids' container of your composting toilet and ensures that the solid container cannot dry properly there. Here, too, there is an increased risk of odor development. During strawberry days, simply collect the hygiene products separately or dispose of the bag from the solid container directly after throwing in sanitary pads and tampons.
Food waste
Like a conventional toilet, a composting toilet is not a waste disposal unit. Moist or warm food residues therefore also do not belong in the solid waste container. For one thing, the rotting of food residues creates odors, mold can form, and the drying process is also disturbed by the moisture from food residues. The very best thing to do when preparing meals is to plan portions that will be cleaned up without any leftovers. That way, you don't have to worry about where to dispose of leftovers.
As you can see, there are only a few things that your dry composting toilet will resent. If you don't put them in the solid container, using it is child's play. By the way, disposing of toilet paper is easy. You can safely dispose of it in the solid container. :)
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